Clandestino with David Beriain, now in Spain

The reporter David Beriain has spent years touring the planet accessing numerous criminal organizations. For the first time, the new Clandestino season focuses on members, collaborators and victims of criminal groups that operate or have close ties with Spain.
Clandestino in Spain consists of eight episodes showing some complex and hermetic criminal groups that operate in Spanish territory, such as immigration mafias in the Strait area, cocaine cartels, the business of the hit men, the presence of Italian mafia in cities like Barcelona, human trafficking or the marijuana business.
In the first two episodes, David Beriain introduces us to the reality of the mafias that deal with migrants who try to reach Europe at all costs. To do this, it travels on both sides of the Strait, from Malaga and Almeria to Ceuta and Tangier. Networks that have generated a multi-million dollar business based on the death of hundreds of innocents in the Mediterranean.
Throughout the next six chapters that make up this installment of ‘Clandestino’ s and by the hand of Beriain we will take a tour of various illegal activities that have settled in our country in recent years. From the hermetic world of the “collection offices” of hitmen in Spain, that the debts for drug trafficking are collected with the lives of their victims. Or the relationship between the narco and the Camorra, or the nearly 40,000 immigrants who are currently victims of human trafficking for sexual exploitation in Spain. Of course there will be several episodes destined to drug trafficking, an issue that is already a house brand. We will analyze how Spain is the main gateway to Europe for cocaine or how the economic crisis favored the emergence of a new clandestine business: the cultivation of marijuana in indoor facilities.
The great impact obtained inside and outside our borders for the previous four seasons of ‘Clandestino’, which is already broadcast in more than 80 countries, has led DMAX to bet on this new local production that, for the first time, is immersed in full in those problems that directly or indirectly affect the Spanish population. An exercise that has not been free of dangers and tensions during its production, but which has an undeniable unprecedented journalistic and social interest in the small screen thanks to DMAX’s commitment to continue showing our reality without filters.